4th Craniosacral Conference
The craniosacral conference is a place of inspiration and insights from experiences teachers and also of informal meeting with colleagues and practitioners from related approaches. The intention of the conference is to support not only craniosacral therapists, but also practitioners of other modalities, such as physiotherapists, health professionals and psychologists who are interested in working with the body and want to expand their perspective. This year will be focused on working with the body in connection with the deeper dimension of our existence.
Giorgia Milne (USA), Abha Sajwel (Czech Republic) and Alexandr Hendruk (Czech Republic) will present in three blocks. The conference is a unique opportunity to meet these experienced teachers. In the afternoon, you can expect a little surprise from the organizers!
The day (30/3) will be concluded by a panel discussion, an opportunity to ask all the presenters questions regarding your practice and more.
Interpreting into English provided.
There will be workshop with Giorgia Milne on March 31st. You can make your registration here .
Time schedule 30/3:
9:00 – 10:00 Registration breakfast (Come earlier and have nice coffee and breakfast with your collegues!!)
10:00 – 10:10 Welcome
10:10 -11:10 Abha Sajwel: Embodiing Forces of the Pure Breath of Love
11:10 – 11:35 Coffee break
11:35 – 13:00 Giorgia Milne: Fulcrum of Being
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch break
15:00 – 15:15 Surprise
15:15 – 16:15 Saša Hendruk: Closer to oneself
16:15 – 16:45 Coffee break
16:45 – 18:00 Panel discussion
Abha Sajwel: Embodiing Forces of the Pure Breath of Love
About the speaker: Abha Sajwel (CR) is a therapist and teacher of craniosacral biodynamics. She has twenty years of experience in healing, meditation, and working with people. She underwent craniosacral biodynamics training at Osho UTA Institute and other postgraduate courses. In 2005, she founded the Institute of Craniosacral Biodynamics® and leads professional CSB training in Czech Republic. She also lived in Shangri-la Meditation Center for 5 years. In the last two years, he has been deeply inspired by The Stillness Touch developed by Charles Ridley as a continuation of the direct journey of Dr. W.G. Sutherland. Her inspiration for the development of full consciousness is also the awakened by mystic Naropa.
Giorgia Milne: Fulcrum of Being
,,A fulcrum is a pivot point of stillness that provides the power to organize a specific activity. Fulcra are portals that connect all the dots between separation and oneness. Because stillness is the core of every activity, it is the constant uniting principle through which each part connects with other parts, and with the whole.“ Charles Ridley: STILLNESS
“You are your most you at the moment of conception. Everything after that is a differentiation” Erich Blechschmidt, M.D. Embryologist
Embryogenesis and the concept of fulcra are inherent to one another. Bodily understanding their essence offers a doorway into the spirit~matter of existence, and the non-separate nature of Being. Directly sensing the power and creative force at the heart of every fulcrum, and of embryogenesis itself, is to be at the transmutative edge of creation, development and evolution.
“The Fulcrum of the Whole is The Whole” Jim Jealous, D.O.
In the process of alchemy or transmutation, the form returns to its origin – its fundamental parts, and then reconstitutes or re-forms into a higher form. It becomes something of a higher order. In this way, embodied integration applied through touch becomes a resonant portal for the Guiding Principle and for Health as Wholeness.
„Be Still and Know.„
„I AM„
„Trust the Tide„
William G. Sutherland and Adah S. Sutherland
Saša Hendruk: Closer to oneself
Discussion on working with the client and working on oneself.
Change of programme is reserved.
Admittion fee:
Students: 1050 CZK
Normal: 1300 CZK
Storno policy:
Till 15/2 2019 we return fee reduced by 10%.
From 16/2 do 15/3 2019 we return 50% of fee.
We don´t return fee after 16/3 2019. Thank you for understanding.